Flat Pack Kitchen Cabinets

There is a reason you have stumbled upon here, you might have been looking for more information regarding the flat pack kitchen cabinets but before you go any further, we would like you to have a better understanding of what flat pack exactly is. 

Information About Flat Pack

The flatpack is making a comeback, and for good reason. With the economy picking up, the idea of building a piece of furniture using pre-cut pieces that can be put together easily and inexpensively gives people hope. There's nothing like the feeling of transforming a blank room into a beautiful, functional space. With a flat-pack, anyone can do it, and it's fun, too.

But before you get started, there are a few things you need to know.

  1. There are two types of flat pack furniture: open-box and assembled.

  2. Open-box furniture is cheaper but doesn't have the quality you might expect from assembled furniture.

  3. The quality of assembled furniture varies by manufacturer.

  4. Assembled furniture is more expensive, but it's easier to follow instructions.

  5. Assembly instructions are usually available from the manufacturer, but you can also find instructions online.

  6. You can assemble flat pack furniture yourself, but it's much easier to have a professional do it.

DIY Or Professional Help?

There are many online companies offering pre-assembled flat pack kitchen cabinets. While buying these cabinets can save you time and effort, they may not be the best option for every kitchen. If you decide to buy flat pack cabinets online, consider the following factors:


Most flat pack kitchen cabinets are designed to fit an average-sized kitchen. If you need custom-sized cabinets, these may not be the answer.


Flat pack kitchen cabinets are easy to arrange, but too much storage space can be an issue.


If you opt for pre-assembled cabinets, you can expect to pay a premium over plain cupboards.

Building kitchen cabinets yourself can save you a bundle in comparison to buying pre-fabricated cabinets. When designing your own modular cabinets, you can mix and match pieces so you can create the exact layout you want. However, if you decide to build your own modular cabinets, there are a few things you should know:

First, while flat pack kitchen cabinets are more affordable than pre-fabricated cabinets, they are not inexpensive. Expect to spend at least $1,000 on cabinets, plus extra for fixtures, appliances, hardware, and installation.

Second, custom modular cabinets require a significant amount of labour for assembly and installation.

Third, while building your own modular cabinets will save you money, it will take a chunk out of your time. You'll need to set aside several days for assembly, and several days for installation.

Fourth, if you're planning to sell modular cabinets you create, you'll be required to get a building permit. You'll need to register with the state, and then apply for an inspection.

Finally, keep in mind that building modular cabinets requires a fair amount of skill and experience. You'll need to know how to use power tools safely.


Buying full, assembled cabinets can be more expensive than buying flat pack kitchen cabinets. However, if you are looking for something really different, pre-assembled cabinets may fit the bill.

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