Why should you visit a podiatrist and chiropractor?

chiropractor in Mortdale

It's time to get the best foot on. When it comes to problems with feet or ankle we often neglect it because we do not know who to reach out for the treatment of these problems. And because of this, we live with constant pain and discomfort in our feet.  

There are many profound and expert podiatrists in St George, who you can visit if you have any sorts of pain in the foot or ankle be it a sports or arthritis/joint pain, etc. You can visit a podiatrist if you have an illness or injury and it’s symptoms involve the foot or the ankle. 

Below are some signs and symptoms that tell it’s time to visit a podiatrist.

  • Numb, sore or swollen feet

It is very natural to have sore or swollen feet after a long run or intense exercise but a sudden numbness, pain, or swelling in one foot can be an issue that needs to be checked. There are many podiatrists in St George who can help you cure this pain or swelling.

  • Nail fungus

It is essential to have regular foot care sessions with podiatrists to keep your feet in good shape. If neglected, it can lead to nail fungus. We recommend you visit a podiatrist in St George to get it treated so that it does not spread to the other toenails.

  • Diabetes

People with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes experience poor blood circulation, nerve damage, ulcers, and infection that leads to many foot problems. There are many podiatrists in St George with expertise and experience who can treat diabetic patients with a foot exam and help them stay safe from these potentially dangerous problems.

podiatrists in St George

  • Painful corns or calluses

Corn and calluses are dense, hardened skin layers that form as your skin attempts to protect itself from friction and pressure. We grow most frequently on the feet and the toes. You need to visit a podiatrist if you have painful corns and calluses and get rid of the hardened skin to alleviate the pain or start the medication to treat them.

Another way to make sure that your body is in good shape is by visiting a chiropractor. The reason behind an increase in the number of people visiting a chiropractor in Mortdale is that chiropractic treatment does a lot of good to the human body. 

People have started visiting a chiropractor in Mortdale because chiropractic care strengthens your immune system, and this helps them to fight off most of the bacteria and viruses. Also, it helps in reducing tension in the spine and by freeing the nerves to work more effectively. 

Many individuals visit chiropractors in Mortdale while suffering from indigestion. If the vertebrae in this area are not aligned properly, the nerves can begin signalling a need for more acid production, resulting in gas, heartburn, and acid reflux which can be cured by chiropractic adjustments as the nerves that run through the spine also controls the stomach and its functions.

People also visit chiropractors in Mortdale if they have breathing problems because chiropractic care helps you breathe better by correcting subluxations that reduce inflammation in the lungs.

So, to make sure that your body and feet stay in good shape you need to visit chiropractors and podiatrists periodically.

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