Get Rid Of Moulds In Your Shower The Natural Way

shower mould remover
We all look forward to a refreshing shower bath at the beginning and end of a tiring day. Moulds clog up the showers and make it unhealthy and unsafe for use. It affects the quality of shower performance and functioning, over time.

It affects daily activities and causes colds, cough, respiratory tract ailments, asthma and more. Your shower requires regular cleaning to remove moulds and you can do this the natural way. Here are some of them: 

Baking soda:

Baking soda is a natural shower mould remover that can be found in your kitchen. A small amount of baking soda can do a wonderful job at cleaning and ridding your shower of these thick moulds. It is also environment-friendly, non-toxic and safe to use. 
It does not affect human beings and pets. In addition to this, it also possesses the inherent properties of absorbing the moisture from the surroundings and thus reduces the chances of accumulation of mould. The special properties prevent the growth of moulds in the future. 

Tea tree oil:

Tea tree oil is an Essential oil that is highly beneficial for the general health and well-being of both men and animals. If you are looking for another alternative to bleaching powder, then the tea tree oil can be used as a shower mould remover.
It easily kills moulds when applied or sprayed for a longer time duration. It can be left on the surface of the shower so that it prevents the build-up of mould in the future. 


Borax is a chemical composition of shower mould removers that can be easily obtained at stores near you. It can be toxic if swallowed accidentally. However, it does not pollute the surroundings with dangerous fumes and chemical substances.
Upon application of the borax solution on the shower surface, you can leave it on for some time and then scrub it off. The excess borax shower mould remover solution can then be wiped off. 

shower mould remover

Vinegar is one of the most preferred shower mould removers for its natural properties and the non-toxic composition. In addition to this, it can also be combined with other substances such as baking soda to make the removal more effective and thorough. It is effective in eliminating different types of moulds. White distilled vinegar is the ideal choice for mould removal. 

Hydrogen peroxide:

Hydrogen peroxide is a fizzy chemical substance that works its way deep into the layers of the mould and reaches the surfaces and interiors of the shower. It is a powerful substance that cleans the entire shower surface thoroughly. It is more effective at penetrating moulds than any other substance. It is also easily available at stores and pharmacies. 

Cleaning shower surfaces and ridding it of moulds can be a tricky task. Now that you are equipped with the mould removal substance or solution of your choice, you can use then as cleaning agents.

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