Do gutter guards really work?

Experts think that not all gutter guard products are effective against all debris that may be falling from your roof. This debris normally clutters and clogs your gutters. You should never buy such a product and think that you would not have to clear your downspouts ever again. There is no magic over here. They would not make your gutters invincible when it comes to dealing with such debris.

However, in spite of that, it must be said that these gutter guards do make your life easier. They would surely reduce the frequency at which you have to clear your gutter. However, for this, you also need to make sure that you are installing your gutter guard the right way. It is always great if you could check your gutter. This is especially in autumn when the leaves are falling. You should do such checking during the winter as well. This would make sure that your gutters are not clogged or cluttered.

Gutter Guard Installation

It is not as if you would not face any problem during the springs and the summers.

The different types of gutter guards

As far as gutter guards are concerned there are 6 main varieties. It is important to know about them so that you can have an idea of if these guards are useful or not. They may be enumerated as below:
  • reverse curve
  • mesh
  • nylon
  • non-gutter cover
  • foam type
  • bottle brush
Reverse curve

The reverse curve is designed in such a way that it directs water in a downward motion to the gutter. This happens through a small slit. However, they encourage leaves to fall to the ground.


A mesh gutter guard is one that is full of holes that cover the gutter. They remain fixed to the roof shingles. The smaller the hole the better it is, especially when compared to the bigger holes.

This is because they would not clog that easily. In these gutter guards, the smaller holes would sift out all the debris. However, it would allow the water to fall to the gutter.


A bottle brush gutter guard is a lot like the pokey bristles that are used to stop birds from landing on the likes of statues. These bristles are normally in an upward direction. This makes sure that the water flows into the downspout even as the debris gets restricted to the top.

A nylon gutter guard would work well in the winter.

These gutter guards prevent ice and snow from accumulating. You can always make them fit into your gutter without having to attach them to the shingles.

Non-gutter covers

They can be regarded as a replacement for your gutters. In this case, a set of thin louvers are used to direct the rain away from the roof.


This is the final kind of gutter guard. It is made from a kind of plastic that helps it fit straightaway into the gutter. It is meant to stop all the debris that falls from the roof into the gutter.

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